ready to get out of your own way and gain the edge you've been missing?



12-week practical immersion for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to unlock and permanently normalize abundance.

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have you ever wondered what would become possible for you if you finally mastered The Game?

You know… The Game that allows you to create everything you want without losing yourself in this process?


tell me,
is this you?

You're an ambitious entrepreneur and a natural leader, here to make a difference.
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You love what you do and you're unapologetic about your desire to make a lot of money while helping others.
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You've experienced glimpses of what your life could be like but you're unclear on what's stalling your exponential growth and freedom. 

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Even though you're doing all of the right things, you often feel the patterns of fear and scarcity creep up.

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You're starting to feel resentful of not being where you want to and know you can be.

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Being able to sustain a steadily growing momentum with ease that supports your income + impact goals would be a dream come true.

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I see you.

I know firsthand what it’s like to live with the constant tension of knowing what you’re capable of yet not having your life, business and bank account reflect that.

This is why I’ve dedicated myself to helping entrepreneurs, thought leaders and network marketers like yourself tune out the noise of the outside world and cultivate the inner authority needed to go against the status quo and establish abundance as their default, resulting in over 8 figures in sales collectively so far (and counting).


No longer over-relying on willpower, discipline or effort to get things done and instead… making aligned, intentional strides towards your vision without resistance, daily.

Intentionally building your business while having so much pride over how far you’ve come despite the unexpected twists and turns, challenges and nay-sayers.

Feeling the freedom to choose experiences that light you up and having full certainty in the knowing that your needs and desires are always abundantly provided for, no matter what. 

here's what I know...

You’re someone who’s always looking for ways to up-level because you value mastery and strive to lead by example.

You have big dreams, big aspirations and you want to see everything you’re currently envisioning as already a ‘done deal’.

You’re not interested in simply ticking of the boxes of societal norms because you crave an exquisite life in every area of life. 

I also know that…

You’re no stranger to inner work and personal and professional development. You’ve invested tremendous amounts of time, energy and resources into your growth and transformation already, only to end up with so-so results you’ve not been able to sustain. 

This is exactly why I created The Game Of Abundance. 

To help you get out of your own way and radically upgrade the way you think about yourself and what’s possible, unlock the inner knowing of certainty and anchor your expanded capacity so that no matter what’s going on in your personal life or in the wold around you…

You feel masterfully equipped to create everything you want with elegance, precision and grace. 

here’s how we do it:

your identity

a new normal

your capacity



A 12-week practical immersion for COACHES AND entrepreneurs eager to GET OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY and permanently normalize abundance


this is THE LAST abundance mindset program you'll ever need

expect an experiential, intentionally designed, hands on journey that will permanently transform the way you think, create and earn as an entrepeneur


Discover the 5 stages of resistance you fee anytime you’re about to up-level or make a scary decision and learn how to skillfully leverage each stage to make the desired change inevitable.


Embody your unique Abundance Mix that will give you the edge you’ve been missing and that you know you need in order to have your own back, make bold moves and blast through the invisible cap you’ve placed on your earning potential.


Bring awareness to the areas of where you’re tolerating just OK when deep down you know it could be exquisite and cultivate the inner authority needed to make that change a delicious non-negotiable.


Expand your energetic capacity for how much abundance you can comfortably create, sustain and circulate without sabotaging you momentum or adding more stuff to your plate.


Learn how to dance with the duality of life while navigating the human experience in such a way that allows you to stay true to yourself and your vision while effortlessly expanding into what’s next. 



Operate as if your desired future is happening NOW by stretching what you think is possible and setting clear benchmarks for how you want your business to serve you and your lifestyle.

are you ready to
get out of you own way


unlock a brand new baseline of abundance with ease?


Matauka doubled her income and quit her corporate job.

“Maria let me out of the box that I’ve placed myself in and I can finally see the bigger picture.

I doubled my income, quit my job, lost 20 pounds, I’m glowing and the only regret that I have is that I didn’t start working with Maria sooner.”

Matauka Florence,
Writer & Entrepreneur

Lindsay launched her dream project and is enrolling clients weekly.

“It's been an amazing journey into myself, my power, joy and abundance!

The Game has helped me recognize when and where I'm letting old patterns of fear hold me back and I know exactly what to do to step out of that and into my full power.”

Lindsay Wood,
Thought Leader & Real Estate Investor

Ylenia had her biggest revenue year to date.

“The Game has been an eye and heart opening experience that offered so much newfound awareness and clarity on what's possible.

The shifts in my identity have been deep and powerful, yet graceful and nourishing."

Ylenia Balbinot,
High Performance Coach

Kimberly successfully launched a new product line.

"Playing The Game has completely transformed me.

Maria is like a tour guide for the evolution of your soul - helping you to navigate the winding pathways of a purpose-filled and passion-driven life.”

Kimberly Kling,
Herbalist & E-commerce Entrepreneur

most entrepreneurs...

try to “achieve” their way to abundance without realizing that abundance isn’t the goal or even an outcome.

Abundance is a state of being.

It has very little to do with ‘what you do’ and everything to do with how skillfully and steadily you can embody and operate from an abundant state of consciousness while tending to the never ending demands of your life and business.

So next time you catch yourself watching your peers and other entrepreneurs effortlessly crushing it through life, celebrating consistent, steadily growing 5- and 6- figure months, unshaken by challenges and wondering…

How do they make it look so easy?! 

Is there something they know that you don’t?!

Remember that the only difference between them and you is that they’ve mastered The Game and they know how to play every hand they’re dealt like it’s the hand they wanted. 

Take A Peek Into The Journey

week one

Unlock Your Unique Abundance Profile

It’s time to do you, boo. For real. 

Understand what gives you your unfair advantage as an entrepreneur and learn how to distill the micro-shifts that will allow you to transform blocks into breakthroughs and limitations into personal power patterns.

week two

Dissolve The Tension Between Your Conscious Intent AND Unconscious Momentum

Let’s take the mystery out of deliberate reality creation, shall we? 

I’m going to show you how your moment to moment choices  today influence your reality tomorrow and what you need to do to ensure that the unconscious momentum that’s responsible for 90% of what shows up in your life doesn’t sabotage the seeds you’re planting.

week three

Raise The Standard For What You Are And Aren’t Available For

Tolerations are indications of suppressed potential.

I’m going to teach you how to let go of the need to protect the familiar out of your system and instead, find safety and satisfaction in riding the waves of expansion.

Trading good for the great will not be as scary as it seems, I promise.

week four

Integration Week + Embodiment Practice

week five

Quiet The Outside Noise So You Can Hear Your Inner Voice

No-one knows you better than you. 

I’m going to teach you how to tame the temptation of needing to look outside of yourself for answers and bounce from program to program in search of what you already have by going beyond your daily roles and responsibilities and connecting with the essence of who you are in truth.

week six

Integrate Your Past So You Can ‘Graduate’ From Needing To Replay Old Patterns

Everything you’ve been through has prepared you for what’s next. 

I’m going to introduce you to my signature timeline process that will show you how to dissolve any residual emotional charge you still might have around past events while distilling the wisdom of those experiences. Knowing how to do this will allow you to turn any circumstance to your advantage and create brand new levels of abundance, with ease.

week seven

Learn How To Cultivate Boundless Energy On Demand

Your energy is your number one asset.

I'll take you through a 4-part process that will plug the energy leaks that have been draining you and establish expansive, yet firm boundaries for what you say YES and NO to moving forward.

week eight

Integration Week + Embodiment Practice

week nine

Expand What You Think Is Possible So You Can Go From Playing It Safe To Bending Reality To Your Will

Your future speaks to you through your desires. 

It's time to collapse the timeline between thought and manifestation by fully embodying your glorious future self, now.

week ten

Repair And Strengthen Your Relationship With Money

Money can be your friend. 

We're going to take an honest look at the quality of your current relationship with money and implement an abundance practice that will support a safe, yet deliberate and expansive circulation of resources in your life. 

week eleven

Rewrite Your Rules For Success & Detach From Inherited Paradigms That Have Kept You Limited So Far

New Seeds. Fresh Soil.

I'm going to show you how to weed out any outdated agreements and ideologies and replace them with a deliberate set of rules that you get to live, lead and prosper by. Say good bye to incremental progress and finally reach the delicious results you've been working for. 

week twelve

Celebratory Integration Week + Final Embodiment Practice

here's what you get:

12 x 90 min weekly live group coaching calls with me as you guide:

Receive personalized coaching that will help you dissolve your abundance blocks and take aligned, consistent action to build momentum

Value $20,000

9 x perspective shifting trainings + playbooks released every week on Sundays:

Expand your horizons by immersing yourself in the experience and integrating the material without ever feeling overwhelmed or “behind”

Value $5,000

3 x dedicated embodiment practices during integration weeks:

Sustain your growth by anchoring the expansion at a cellular level while allowing your leadership to be who you are and not just what you do

Value $3,000

Access to a highly engaged community with your new ride-or-die friends:

Experience the power of being seen and celebrated by leaders, creators and entrepreneurs who ‘get it’

Value $2,000

TOTAL VALUE = $ 30,000

But your investment is just a fraction of that.

is THE GAME right for you?



what about the investment?

The Game Of AbundancE

base access includes...

  • 12 x weekly 90-minute group coaching calls
  • Access to my signature, strategically curated transformation journey with no-fluff training modules and playbooks
  • Private community with your peers for connection, accountability, celebrations and support
  • Embodiment practices to assist you in cellular-level transformation

$7,500 USD

4 month payment plan available

The Game Of AbundancE VIP

best value VIP access includes...

  • 12 x weekly 90-minute group coaching calls
  • Access to my signature, strategically curated transformation journey with no-fluff content modules and playbooks
  • Private community with your peers for connection, accountability, celebrations and support
  • Embodiment practices to assist you in cellular-level transformation 

  • Unlimited 1:1 Voice-note Access to Maria for potent, real-time laser coaching throughout the duration of The Game
  • 3 x 60-minute Strategic 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Maria to maximize your transformation and results

$10,000 USD

4 month payment plan available

hey there

I’m Maria!

An ex-professional athlete turned Mindset and Business Coach.

I help impact driven entrepreneurs with big goals master The Game Of Abundance so they can tune out the noise and cultivate inner the authority needed to go against the status quo and lead a meaningful life on their own terms.

  • 15 + years of experience as a coach
  • 3 successful multiple-six figure businesses
  • Over 8 figures in sales collectively

As someone who has moved across the world many times over, gone through the identity crisis of starting fresh, faced business failures, was there for a partner as they navigated a life threatening time…

What I know for a fact is that the key to abundance is knowing how to play the hand you were dealt like it’s the hand you wanted.

This is what The Game is really about.

what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying

Julia quadrupled her projected revenue for the quarter.

“I did everything Maria guided me to do and I concluded my launch with 101 sales while having 3 little kids at home sick! 

Most importantly...

This was the first time that I felt safe trusting my inspiration fully and there wasn't even a hint of burn out."

Julia Bándak,
Stylist & Blogger

Vasti birthed a new program and enrolled 5 clients.

It's almost ineffable for me to express what being part of The Game has gifted me.

I finally busted through my lingering fears of being visible online, birthed a new group coaching program in a matter of weeks and enrolled my first 5 clients with so much ease after having struggled for months in my business.

I'm so grateful."

Vasti Engedi,
Coach & Team Leader

Yummii established a brand new stream of income.

"I'm so grateful for Maria and all of the opportunities that presented themselves as a result of our work together.

We're in this global crisis - and yet I've never felt more calm about our family, what's possible and our finances."

Yummii Nguyen,
Parenting & Relationships Coach

Jessica is doing what she loves and is charging the most she's ever done.

"Working with Maria is such a game-changer.

Going through The Game I found myself looking deeper than ever before and there were a few times I wanted to throw a rock over the Atlantic and hit Maria in the head, but a few days later I saw what she already knew.

There are no words to describe how steady and centered I feel in working towards my vision today."

Jessica Rein,
Human Design Coach
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want to make sure that I’m the right coach for you?

Watch this short video to learn more about my philosophy as a coach and how our work together will be different from what you’ve previously experienced.

have more questions?

Will I get personalized support?

+ -

The Game is as strategic as it is soulful.

The weekly group coaching sessions will be packed with personalized, world-class coaching to assist every single participant in creating life-changing breakthroughs and permanent change.

What’s the time investment?

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Taking into consideration the 90-min coaching call, we recommend setting aside about 3 hours / week to do the work and reap the benefits.

With that said, a lot practices and integration / calibration are designed to seamlessly fit into the rest of your lifestyle as an entrepreneur. 

But I’ve done so much work… How’s The Game different?

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Ahhh.... this is my all time favorite question! 

What can I say with absolute confidence is that you've never experienced anything like The Game and once you go through it, you'll begin to wonder why other programs / containers / journeys aren't structured and led this way?!

When are the call times?

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Weekly LIVE coaching calls will be on Thursdays and depending on the geographic location of the participants, there might be two different pods to accommodate different time zones. The schedule will be provided in advance. 

How does the content work?

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The content portion of The Game is released on Sundays and weekly homework is due by midnight on Wednesdays to ensure an optimum cadence that builds momentum. 

Anything important I need to know?

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Yes, the energy of The Game is sacred.

All players who choose to be passive participants and NOT submit the weekly assignments without any communication for more than two weeks will be removed from the experience. 

No refund will be offered.

What’s your refund policy?

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We trust our clients to make clean, empower decisions. Which means that all purchases are final and there's no refund policy. 

and if you're still wondering

I get it and I got you.

CLICK HERE to send me a message we’ll connect to make sure this if the right next step for you.

And if you’ve already made you decision…

Prosperity Partners LLC

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2023.